What Can Kuwait Lasik Center Help You With?

LASIK center is the place where people go to get LASIK eye surgery - a laser refractive surgery done to cure vision problems. It is a very common and popular vision correction treatment procedure that utilizes a special cutting laser to change the shape of the cornea.
Under normal circumstances, the cornea, the dome-like tissue at the front of the eye, bends and refracts light accurately onto the retina. However, in case of an issue, the light does not fall correctly, causing nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism.

What Vision Problems Does LASIK Help Correct?

As we stated earlier, LASIK treatment helps treat three main eye problems. Here is a brief description so you can know better.

➔  Nearsightedness Or Myopia

Nearsightedness or in medical terms, myopia, is a commonly occurring condition where objects nearby are clear but the ones far away appear blurry. It happens when the light rays that enter the eye fall in front of the retina instead of the back.

Nearsightedness can be genetic or may happen during childhood or adolescence phase. In case of a doubt, a doctor can confirm nearsightedness with a simple eye exam. Usually, people use contact lenses or glasses to overcome this issue, but LASIK is also a viable option.

The most common symptoms of nearsightedness include the following:

  • Blurry distant vision

  • Headaches

  • Eye strain

Most commonly, the following behaviors are commonly occurring:

  • The constant need to squint

  • No focus on distant objects

  • Blinking more often

  • Rubbing the eyes more often

  • Sitting close to things

As a result, youngsters or children tend to sit close to whiteboards or in lecture halls, while adults may face difficulty reading road signs or watching television.

➔  Farsightedness Or Hyperopia

Farsightedness or in medical terms, hyperopia, is also a commonly occurring condition where objects in the distance appear clear while the ones up close appear blurry. It happens when the light rays do not hit the retina properly.

Farsightedness can be found at birth, but it can also be genetic. Usually, people go with contact lenses or glasses to correct this vision problem, but LASIK is a good option for this as well.

The most common symptoms of farsightedness include the following:

  • Blurry closer vision

  • Pain in or around the eyes

  • Eye strain or burning sensation

  • Discomfort

Most commonly, the following behaviors are commonly occurring:

  • Unable to do basic tasks that require a closer look

  • Vision detracts from the environment

To detect farsightedness in adults, the basic exam is at 40, every 2 - 4 years between 40 - 54 years, every 1 - 3 years between 55 and 64 years of age, and every 1 - 2 years after age 65.

In the case of children, the exam should be at 6 months of age, at 3 years of age, before first grade, and then every two years.

➔  Astigmatism

Astigmatism is another commonly occurring vision problem that causes blurred distant and near vision. Mostly, it happens due to mismatched curves at the cornea or eye lens.

Astigmatism can occur from birth and may also happen along with nearsightedness or farsightedness.

The most common symptoms of astigmatism include the following:

  • Blurred or deformed vision

  • Discomfort

  • Eye strain

  • Squinting

  • Difficulty seeing things at night


All the conditions that we discussed today are treatable at a reputable Kuwait LASIK center. Although it does not cost a fortune, you must confirm that you can afford it as insurance may not cover the cost. Also, you must have someone with you to take you back home. Lastly, you must avoid using any kind of eye makeup for a week or two.

Other than this, it is a perfectly well-suited eye surgery treatment for all people. Still, it is better to consult your ophthalmologist, as they will guide you best.

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